In Marketing Your Messaging Is EVERYTHING
When you claim your company is politically neutral, make sure your CEO doesn't praise the new US administration and the "ruling" party and make that sentiment MUTE.
Andy Yen, the CEO of, recently praised President Trump and the Republicans in a now deleted Tweet. People are obviously pissed, especially coming from the CEO of a company based in Switzerland, which claims to be neutral.
So as people start to delete their accounts and even publish angry messages across social media at Proton's accounts, the marketing/PR team decided to double down on their neutrality when they were called out on this. This just made it worse. Their response was what made be decide to close my account that I've had with Proton since they first started.
It's one thing for the CEO to be stupid and say something dumb, but for the company and their marketing/PR department not to acknowledge the elephant in the room makes it so much worse.
In marketing when something goes south with your messaging, you should get ahead of it. If you CEO says something stupid, because we all know they're human and do say stuff that isn't in line with the company, the marketing/PR team need to address it and not just double down on a fact that is no longer true.
I do think that lucked out, being a small company that is mainly used by tech people, the news of Yen's praise and subsequent PR debacle has flow under the mainstream radar. Still it's a learning opportunity.
What do you think about the whole debacle? What could have done better?
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Web Jawn

Big move for Apple. Though they're still taking their normal cut! 😵💫

Short-form is here to stay. My kid has built his whole channel on YouTube using the YouTube shorts feature. He gets more engagement with those videos than with his long form ones.

Most platforms prefer UGC, so does Google.

I'm not sure how much I'm going to trust AI to do my bidding at the start. But having AI agents do stuff for me is intriguing.

This is big. With citations you can get traffic to your site. It's like SEO but the AI way. 😜

This was huge. Pixelfed proved that people want a photo sharing platform that allows you to be who you are without a stupid algorithm.

Great tips on how to move from IG to Pixelfed!

This is a great think-piece from Sean Tilley on how the federated and decentralized social web can survive.

This is good, but needs to happen everywhere not just in the UK!

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. With AI you can train it to sound just like you. But it's not you. I personally don't think AI will take over the podcasting space. Now for the broadcasting space? Maybe.

I love The Podcast Host blog. This is a good read.

Of course this was coming.

YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine after Google. It's important not to ignore it.

Very true and it's clearing more than ever.

He'll deny it. But yes, Twitter/X is a failure.

Justin is the co-founder of the podcast host. He knows his stuff. Great insights here.

Interesting development. I'd prefer that to Elon owning it, that's for sure.
🎙️New Offering: Podcast Coaching 🎙️

I've been podcasting since 2010. During those 12+ years I've learned a thing or two about the ins and outs of the industry and approaching it the right way.
I've recently decided to offer podcast coaching as a service to share the knowledge that I've accumulated over the decade-plus in the industry.
Web Find

From an Alignable group I help lead. Brian Griffiths is spot on with this tip!

Can't unsee this now!
"Has gamification gone too far?" #memes 🤔 #bathroom #ToiletPaperGames
— David Bisset ( 2025-01-24T13:35:10.932Z

A great site made by Molly White about Web3's pitfalls.
Jay Acunzo is a story telling genius. You need watch this and subscribe.

That's It For This Week! Keep Rocking It!
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