You've got a problem

You've got a problem

(we all do).

2 things stop a message from being “good”:

  • It’s not relevant

  • it’s not clear

Copywriting has a solution for that.

Cue Pain, Agitate, Solution (PAS)

This copywriting formula works for every type of copy (even video scripts).

Because we all have problems, those problems suck, and we want a fix.

PAS takes all that and packages it into a clear and relatable message.

And if you have a clear and relatable message…

You’re a step ahead because

Your video doesn’t (really) convert.

Say what?

It’s part of the process through.

How many people (really) whip out their card after one video?


Right. They watch it. Check out your profile. Your website.

They’re convincing themselves “yes I want to buy this”.

So video’s job is to get people to watch…

To bring them into your sphere…

To engage with your message and your brand…

So they’re primed to buy (when they check out your sales page).

The only exception is a video sales letter. If that’s not converting, it’s failing you.

Give your audience a clear and relatable message–

Use PAS.

Show them you know what their problem is.

Then poke that problem with a stick. Rub salt into it (gently).

Make us feel that problem.

Then hit us with that solution before we get too frustrated.

Now, I get it. This is all easier said than done. So,

Here’s a script template to help you out.

You’ve got this. Go write an impactful script.


Formats make life easier. Use PAS to write a clear and relatable message.

About Ame

Ame Proietti is a B2B copywriter and scriptwriter. Ame also writes Script Tips–a weekly newsletter to help you create video content with a persuasive message (so your videos get results). Ready to make marketing videos your audience love? Get your Script Tips here.