Where does this puzzle piece go?

Where does this puzzle piece go?

Video is not the ultimate marketing hack.

On it’s own, it won’t make you millions of dollars…

It won’t skyrocket you to industry fame…

And it (probably) won’t go viral.

Video is a tool.

Which means you need to figure out how it fits into your marketing strategy.

For some entrepreneurs and small businesses, that means content marketing on Youtube…

For others, it’s easy FB ads…

As long as it works for your audience and your business, go for it.

But you have to ask the hard questions first.

Does your audience like you in video?

I can’t name a single person who doesn’t enjoy a good movie or TV show…

Marketing videos are a different story though. Because we’re not watching them for fun.

So before you dive into YouTube, TikTok or IG reels…

Figure out if your audience wants video from you. You can save yourself a lot of time, energy and frustration if you answer this first.


What does your audience want from you in video?

Maybe they want tutorial videos, demos, or reviews.

They might also just want a few quick ads that drive them to your sales page where they can learn more.

Every step in video is about asking yourself, “what does my audience need from me to [INSERT whatever you want them to do]?

And the final question is…

Can you deliver?

This question is all about you– can you give the people what they need?

And you know what?

It’s ok if you can’t. That just means video isn’t the right tool for your marketing strategy.

I won’t lie and say “just push through”.

Subpar quality is (almost) worse than nothing. So if you don’t have what you need to make videos your audience wants, don’t force it.

Now, people make excuses all the time…

“I don’t have the right gear”

“I don’t have the time”

“I don’t know what to film”

You can fix all of that.

When I ask “can you deliver?”, I’m talking about…

Do you have the right systems in place?

Can you commit to this long term?

Does video make you squirm like a worm on a hook?

Because these things will stop you in the long run.


Video is a great tool in marketing. But make sure it fit into your overall strategy before you jump into it.

About Ame

Ame Proietti is a B2B copywriter and scriptwriter. Ame also writes Script Tips–a weekly newsletter to help you create video content with a persuasive message (so your videos get results). Ready to make marketing videos your audience love? Get your Script Tips here.