Newsletters Are A Thing

Newsletters Are A Thing

I’ve had a version of this newsletter for several years. Initially, it was part of my main Goldstein Media website. However, over time, it has evolved into its own entity with a dedicated website and unique personality.

I genuinely enjoy writing this newsletter on a weekly basis, and I particularly appreciate when my friend Ame contributes a post about writing. I hope you find value in what we share.

Considering the vast number of newsletters competing for our limited time and attention, it can be challenging to decide which ones to read and when. Fortunately, I use a service called to manage my newsletters. It provides a dedicated space where I can organize them based on when I have the attention span to read through them.

The influx of newsletters has become a prevalent issue since it seems like everyone, including their grandma, has one. Although newsletters are excellent for marketing and sharing knowledge, receiving too many at once can be overwhelming.

I recommend checking out (not an affiliate) and while your at it share your favorite newsletter with me. I’m genuinely interested to know which newsletter strike your fancy.

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Web Jawn

Find Of The Week

Jim Giangolio and I go way back. We worked in the journalism space together at the same newspaper back in the early 2000s. I do find it interesting that we both found our way into the digital marketing space.

Jim has recently launched mmm Hub a resource for analytics and measurement types to get more information and to make the often confusing area of measurement not so mysterious. Jim also has a great podcast called Measure Up.

Check it out!


Agorapulse is a sponsor for the newsletter. But I’m not just shilling for them. Their platform is the best I’ve used in the 15+ years I’ve been in digital marketing. It’s worth checking out!

As always stay curious!

– Seth

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