In Person Networking Is Back

In Person Networking Is Back

This past week I went to more networking in person than I have in quite a while. I have to say, I missed it.

That being said, I was way more hyper-aware of crowds and groups. Yes, this is because of COVID. But now, that we’re in the endemic stage of COVID, I’m feeling much more comfortable getting out there and chatting with people in the “meat space.”

There Is Still A Place For Zoom Networking

With in person networking rebounding post-pandemic, I still think there’s a real place for Zoom networking. Granted online is not the same. You never quite know how tall the person is until you meet them in real life, but Zoom networking is nice because there’s no commute to get to the event.

Seth and Chris selfie. Chris is much taller than Seth

The Future Is Hybrid

The future of events are definitely hybrid, some on Zoom (et al.) and some in person. I think this is a good thing that came out of the pandemic. It makes meeting and networking more accessible to more people.

For example I met a creative director, who works for a US-based creative agency, but he lives in Baghdad, Iraq. I’ve met people from all over the world in business networking events, without having to travel. It’s quite nice.

Do I enjoy getting out? Absolutely! But I’ve noticed something as well. The pandemic has made me more of an ambivert than an extrovert. I do love social interactions, but I have my limit. Before the pandemic I couldn’t get enough.

It’s amazing how things have changed.

Have you ventured out into the physical world for an event? How’d it go? Mash that reply button. I want to hear all about it.

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The Neurodiversity Entrepreneur Summit Is Back

The Neurodiverse Entrepreneur Summit 2023 Logo

It’s back! And it’s FREE. July 24th through the 27th, you will learn how to build a business of your own that fits your unique brain.

Did I mention… IT’S FREE.

Click Here To Register

*This is an affiliate link if you decide to buy the videos later to watch on demand. But it’s a FREE event.


Agorapulse is a sponsor for the newsletter. But I’m not just shilling for them. Their platform is the best I’ve used in the 15+ years I’ve been in digital marketing. It’s worth checking out!

As always stay curious!

– Seth

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