In this study done by OnePulse and presented by Acast, the podcast hosting company, found that not only do people love to listen to podcasts on their commutes to and from work, but more that 40% of people listen to podcasts throughout the day.
What I found really interesting is that even 7% of the respondents said they listen between 12am and 5am! Geez, that's some dedication to the art form. 🤣
The largest time was between 12pm and 4pm at almost 50% saying they listen to podcasts during that time.
One of the biggest takeaways I found was that 48% listened to podcasts while commuting only beaten by those doing chores.
What this tells me is that your show length matters. I'm not saying to not have an hour plus long podcast, but if you want people to get through your episode in a sitting then aiming for an average commute of 20-30 minutes is ideal.
This is what I tell my clients who I coach over at Podcast Mastery.
What I also found interesting is that those commuting were more receptive to the ads on the shows too and not skipping them. No this might because they're being good drivers and paying attention to the road, but the study says they seem to not mind the ads.
Lastly, the study says that commuting listeners value their time with podcasts. This makes sense, because you're stuck in a car or on a train (etc.) and it gives you variety.
I get that it's supposedly cheaper to run this model, but all things point to the fact that it was trained on ChatGPT data, which is in fact all of our data.
Everyone and their mother has an AI model. Now we have competing Chinese models. Neither of which we should be using because it phones home to China and, potentially, the Chinese government.
A good read from a technologist for which I have tons of respect. I think eventually the Fediverse and the ATmosphere (is that what they're calling it now?) will catch on! I hope, at least.
Ugh this is going to make Gemini, which is already crap, even worse.
🎙️Podcast Coaching 🎙️
You've got questions. I've got the answers!
I've been podcasting since 2010. During those 12+ years I've learned a thing or two about the ins and outs of the industry and approaching it the right way.
I've decided to offer podcast coaching as a service to share the knowledge that I've accumulated over the decade-plus in the industry.
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