ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, And The Written Word

First off I think Artificial Intelligence has a place in writing, in marketing, in sales, and in live in general. What I don’t think is that AI should be leaned on as much as it is.

ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, And The Written Word

Editors Note: In the future these essays will be for paying subscribers of Marketing Junto. The Wednesday newsletter will be for everyone!

First off let me say this. I think Artificial Intelligence has a place in writing, in marketing, in sales, and in life in general. What I don’t think is that AI should be leaned on as much as it has been. Not yet at least.

From CNET using AI to write boring articles about finance to books being written wholly by ChatGPT. I think AI is becoming a crutch to some people where it should be looked more as an aid than a replacement to thinking.

I like using Lex.Page and among the other tools out there to help me grow an idea to its full potential, but AI still has a ways to go. For example, it doesn’t write like me. It doesn’t use contractions, which I use all the time and often times it throws in a proper name of a company where it clearly took the idea from. So call me a little suspicious.

AI Still Needs Human Intervention

Right now, we can’t rely solely on AI to do our work for us. We do need to develop a system for using it for what it’s good at and then, as humans, take it from there.

I’ve been thinking a lot about AI and how it can help marketers. One way is it’s really handy for things like meta titles and descriptions. AI is pretty good a summing up ideas for those purposes, where you have a limited amount of characters. AI can also help with writer’s block. Give it some idea of what you’re going to write about and it will give you some ideas.

Watch Out For The “AI Detectors” 😜

What I find funny is that these “AI Detector” tools suck. I know a lot of people who put in their own written content and it was flagged for being written by AI and in the reverse, the AI content wasn’t flagged. So again even on the flipside we’ve got a ways to go.


What do you think? Are humans just being lazy and leaning on AI too much? Should it be used as much as it is? Let me know! Hit reply or say something in the comments below.


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