1 Is The Loneliest Number

1 Is The Loneliest Number

I wrote this case study on Tiago Forte awhile ago:

“Tiago Forte–our future standard for Youtube Case Study”

When I wrote it, I thought people would read it…

See that great videos come down to the script…

And then write a great video. 

That was dumb. 

Because that’s not what people do. 

They look at something like this and see EVERYTHING it takes to make a video like this. 

Which make sense. 

Video is team effort. In every sense. 

Between pre-production, production, and post production. 

Aka coming up with ideas, research and scripting. Filming. Editing and distribution. 

So you kinda need to know about everything that makes a good video. If you do it alone.  

Otherwise you’re guessing in the dark. Hoping for the best. 

So sometimes you want to tap into someone else’s knowledge. 

Like your neighborhood friendly scriptwriters, editors and video marketers. 

Because who has time to do it all? 

Not me. And Not Tiago Forte. 

He’s VERY open about how his videos are a team effort. A team full of people who know what they’re doing. 

And that’s the “secret” to his video success. 

The right people with the right knowledge together at the right time. Will it cost you?

Yes. Tiago Forte spends like $5k per video. More like he invests $5k.

And think about what kind of return he’s getting to justify that budget?

Now you don’t need to drop $5k. But like all marketing… you need to invest something.

And sometimes that’s in a team.

About Ame

Ame is a B2B copywriter for tech/software brands and entrepreneurs. She also writes Script Tips— a weekly newsletter about copywriting, marketing videos, and other stuff Ame’s doing (like this niche site). As Bowie once said, “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.”